With the new year, comes a new blog…

…design that is.

About this time last year I decided to suck it up and finally make the switch from my original Blogspot account to hosting my own site on WordPress here at KristieWells.com.

I am happy to have made to made the move to WordPress as even though I consider myself a techie noob, I can still do more with the site, but I have questioned my choice of new themes ever since it went live. What at first seemed vibrant and exciting, just seems overdone and ‘crazy’ now. I actually hate looking at it.

There was something inherently beautiful to me in the simplicity of the Blogger template

Kiki's Korner: Before

I think I need to get back to that style. It is much more ‘me’, not this frilly over the top and in your face theme. I also need to upgrade this bad boy as it is on the original version we launched with last year (v2.3.3) which is way out of date and a PITA to manage.

So I am heading back to the drawing board and looking for suggestions on favorite plugins, themes, etc. so I can come back swinging with a blog I love. Ideally, I would take that old Blogger theme and turn it into a three column format as I like the feel and the colors, but thinking that is not possible (and might really piss off Blogger) – so on the hunt for something new.