365 days of ME.

Back on May 13, 2008, I started a project called MeToday. The goal of MeToday is to build a digital archive of my life by taking a photo of myself every single day for a year, as I try to answer the question ‘what am I doing today?’


I am 27 weeks into the process and I gotta tell you…it is a lot harder than I thought it would be as I have always been one to hide behind the camera, so putting myself front and center is an odd place to be…I am getting over it of course, but odd nonetheless. I also forget to take the Rebel with me most days, so thankfully I have my camera in my phone and also have one in my laptop – one of which (for better or worse) is always attached to my hip. Neither piece of equipment produces the best picture, but at least I have something to get a shot for the album.

In the album you will see:

* Where I have been
* How I am feeling
* Changes in my life
* What I am working on
* How my diet is (or not) going
* Events I attend

And a bunch of other what nots.

I think I need to start being a little more creative with my photos as there are only so many shots of my face I can take…so stay tuned to if you are interested in the day in the life of Kristie. You never know what will happen tomorrow.

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